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Thursday, April 26, 2018

7 Foods for Nutritious Meal

'Healthy with Music, Play Music wih Healthy'
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7 Foods for Nutritious Meal

1. Baby spinach
This nutrient-dense leafy green is packed with vitamins, minerals, tons of phytonutrients — carotenoids and flavonoids which provide protection against damaging free radicals — and fiber. Fiber helps with weight regulation by keeping us full.

Spinach is also one of my favorite beauty foods. It’s high in vitamin C, which is needed for the creation of collagen and vitamin A, which promotes youthful skin and gorgeous hair. And just when you thought that was enough, spinach still has:

  • vitamin K, which is beneficial for strong bones and digestive health
  • magnesium, which is essential for chemical reactions in the body
  • plant-based non-heme iron

Speaking of non-heme iron, it’s absorption is enhanced when combined with foods containing vitamin C. So next time you eat cooked spinach, squeeze some lemon juice on top for optimal iron absorption.

2. Avocado
All fats are not created equal! Avocados — which are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats — boost brain and heart health. These beneficial fats, along with avocado’s natural high-fiber content, help lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels, and support weight management. And thanks to the vitamins K, C, E, and A, a variety of B vitamins, and potassium, eating avocados regularly can improve skin health, immune function, and reproductive hormone balance.

I recommend that the majority of us eat an avocado daily, especially anyone working on hormone balance or looking to enhance fertility. Avocados house the fats we need to make sex hormones, as well as the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and essential amino acids that our body cannot produce, making them a great source of protein for strong muscle tissues. Avo-awesome.

4. Almond Milk
As a healthy source of fat, protein, and nutrients, almonds do wonders to promote smooth, vibrant, stress-free skin. It’s high in anti-stress magnesium, which helps to relax muscles, calm the nervous system, and support digestive health. Eating almonds encourages the body to protect itself from harmful free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease.

When making almond milk, be sure to pre-soak the nuts to enhance the availability of the nutrients and make the digestion process easier. If you don’t have time to make almond milk, try whole raw almonds. They’re a perfectly satisfying snack for in between meals!

4. Lemon
Start every morning with hot lemon water to get my digestive process going and kick-start my day with antioxidants, including the immune-boosting vitamin C. Although lemons contain natural acids that aid in digestive support, they’re alkaline-forming. Once these acids enter the digestive process, they act as a cleansing agent to help flush toxins out of the system. Other nutrition benefits of lemons include:

  • vitamins (vitamin E and B)
  • minerals (magnesium and potassium)
  • antioxidants (beta-carotene)
Many of the antioxidants are found in the yellow skin, so whenever you add lemon juice to your water, include the peel. For sauces and soups, grate the skin as a topping.

5. Organic berries
You’ll find every type of berry in my fridge, but blueberries are my favorite! They’re low in sugar and high in fiber, packed with vitamins A, C, and E, and full of anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also one of the highest antioxidant-filled fruits. In fact, the reason it’s so blue is because of the antioxidant anthocyanin, which is responsible for that gorgeous blue color.

It’s important to buy organic because nonorganic berries often contain high amounts of pesticides, and you don’t peel the skin off blueberries. If you’re worried about fruit going bad in the fridge, buy frozen berries — they have the same nutritional value and health benefits.

6. Kale
use this superfood in everything… and everything. It’s one of my favorite, nutrient-dense detoxifying foods. Kale is loaded with vitamins and minerals that benefit your skin, eyes, immune system, digestion, bones — I could keep going! It’s got amino acids, vitamin A, C, and K, as well as the minerals iron, magnesium, and calcium.

7. Organic pasture-raised eggs
Eggs are one of my favorite animal protein sources. Just one egg contains 7 grams of high-quality protein. One whole egg can also give you all the essential amino acids, 5 grams of healthy fats, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including iron, choline, vitamin B-12, and the rare vitamin D.

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